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Lottus N.:

Lottus Winner
Price Per Ticket
Tickets Sold:
Total of participants: 0
Current Prize Pool
0 ETH*
*40% of the total
Lottus Runs on Base
Total: 0.000 ETH
This Lottus has ended.
We raised:
0 ETH for charity
But do not worry
A new Lottus will be launching soon, do not miss it!

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You can suggest the next charity organization to donate to here. Share your suggestions and help decide the next cause to support.

NFT Awards & Certificates

Winner NFT

No Winner NFT available

Participant NFT

No Participant NFT available

There may be more prizes depending on collaborations with other dApps or protocols.

Lottus Archives

Data Saved on FileCoin

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  • Beta LaunchThe official launch of the Lottus beta version. Join us to test and experience the platform features.

  • Generate YieldsEnhancing integration with yield-generating protocols to maximize the impact of your contributions.

  • AutomationImplementing automation for the Lottus process to ensure transparency and efficiency.

  • MiniLottusIntroducing MiniLottus, community-driven lotteries to support specific causes.

  • DAOEstablishing a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for community decision-making.


What is Lottus and how does it work?

Lottus is a decentralized donation platform that operates like a lottery. Each week, a new charity is selected to receive 40% of the donation pool, while another 40% goes to the raffle winner. The remaining 20% is allocated in the following way, 10% for the dev and 10% stays in the contract for the next Lottus. The winner receives a prize in cryptocurrency and a commemorative NFT, while all participants receive a participation NFT.

How can I participate in a Lottus lottery?

To participate in a Lottus lottery, simply select the number of tickets you want to purchase and complete the transaction through your wallet. Our smart contract will handle the rest. You can view the total prize pool before finalizing your transaction to ensure that your donation does not exceed the current prize pool, avoiding the risk of receiving less than you donated. Once your transaction is confirmed, you will be automatically entered into the raffle for the current week.

How is the raffle winner selected?

The raffle winner is selected using a Random Function, which ensures that the selection process is truly random and transparent.

What are the NFTs?

Lottus issues two types of NFTs: Winner NFTs and Participation NFTs. Winner NFTs are awarded to the weekly raffle winner and commemorate their victory. Participation NFTs are given to all participants as a token of appreciation for their contribution. Both types of NFTs are personalized with the recipients wallet address or ENS name, and their metadata is securely stored on IPFS and backed up on Filecoin.

Is there going to be a Lottus token?

We are planning to launch a Lottus token in the future. This token will enable us to become a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), providing users with voting power to choose the next charity. However, our current focus is on more pressing plans, such as automating the Lottus process and creating multiple Lottuses, not just the main one. Stay tuned for more updates!